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Dividing a Variable Annuity in a Divorce Settlement
/in Uncategorized/by Kirk Drennan LawThe division of assets is an important part of your divorce agreement. The compromises you make here will have a long-lasting impact on your financial security, so it’s crucial to understand the implications of each decision you make. Variable annuities are a fairly common part of many retirement portfolios, so you may need to look […]
How an Inheritance Can Impact Alimony Payments
/in family law/by Kirk Drennan LawTo start, you have to know how inheritances are handled during a divorce. Even if an inheritance is received during a marriage, it is generally considered a separate asset. It usually stays with the person who received it, since it is a gift. This means that, as far as the division of assets goes, the […]
Does An Extramarital Affair Affect a Divorce in Alabama?
/in family law/by Kirk Drennan LawThere are no circumstances in which divorce is easy, but a marriage ending because of an affair may be one of the most painful options. Not only does the faithful partner have to grapple with the end of their marriage, but they must also face the betrayal of infidelity. In most states, infidelity has no […]
The Potential Benefits of Mediation in a High Asset Divorce
/in Divorce & Family Law/by Kirk Drennan LawYou’re getting ready to divorce your partner, but you’re not sure what’s going to happen to your portfolio of assets. Whether or not you anticipate a big fight, it’s important to prepare for any possible outcome. The more money you and your partner have, the more you have at stake when it’s time to negotiate […]
Big Life Changes to Consider After a Divorce
/in Divorce & Family Law/by Kirk Drennan LawYou’ve made the decision to move forward with a divorce, been through rounds of negotiation, and the end is in sight. You’re likely feeling relieved, hopeful, and perhaps a little stressed. Rather than focusing on what you’ve lost, this is the perfect opportunity to focus on what new things you can experience and what type […]
The Growing Issue of Cryptocurrency During a Divorce
/in Divorce & Family Law/by Kirk Drennan LawWhen you read the news, you can’t go more than a few articles without seeing terms like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. Cryptocurrency has exploded in popularity in recent years, and although it has seen some dips in recent months, it’s likely here to stay. If you and your ex-partner own cryptocurrency, either separately or together, […]
Protecting Your Children in a Second Marriage with a Prenuptial Agreement
/in Divorce & Family Law/by Kirk Drennan LawWhen people think about prenuptial agreements, they tend to think about what would happen to their assets in a divorce, forgetting that prenuptial agreements do not just cover divorce. They can also protect your children’s access to your assets if you pass away after getting remarried. In many states, if someone is married when they […]
What Constitutes Illegal Insider Trading?
/in Criminal Defense/by Kirk Drennan LawInsider trading is one of the more well-known white-collar crimes, thanks to many high-profile cases getting major media attention. The stock market is meant to give consumers a fair chance at investing in companies, and anything that dilutes trust in that system is a threat to the system itself. Insider trading doesn’t just artificially inflate […]
When Does a Multilevel Marketing Businesses Become an Illegal Ponzi Scheme?
/in Criminal Defense/by Kirk Drennan LawWhite-collar crime does not always happen intentionally. For some, they find themselves on the wrong side of a deal that sounded too good to be true. Some sign up for an apparently legitimate business, only to end up immersed in a pyramid or Ponzi scheme. Regardless of your intent, being charged with a white-collar crime […]
Viewing Divorce as a Growth Experience
/in Uncategorized/by Kirk Drennan LawIt’s no secret that divorce is, for many people, one of the most painful experiences they’ll ever face. However, if you are willing to work through the pain and heartache, you may also find that it’s one of the greatest opportunities for growth you’ll ever have. Learn more about utilizing divorce as an opportunity to […]